August 2024 Update

Fourteenth Year to Begin at Hopewell

After a wonderful summer, we are looking forward to the fourteenth year on our beautiful campus. Teachers and students are excited to get back to school after the break.

The opening day chapel service for Heritage Baptist College will be held on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. The service will begin at 11:30 a.m. in the college chapel, and it will be followed by a wonderful lunch.

Dr. Dave Martin, from Cincinnati, will be the special preacher for the morning service. Dr. Martin is a talented friend, and he has taught at Heritage in past years.

Make plans to come and receive a blessing from the Lord!

Ultimate Sacrifice

Last month, I wrote an article on the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.

On March 26, 1942, the oil tanker Dixie Arrow was loaded with 96,000 barrels of crude oil as she headed to a refinery in New Jersey.

World War II was barely four months old, but Hitler had already sent his submarines to wreak havoc along America’s eastern shore. Oil tankers were the submarine’s favorite target.

Aware of the threat, the Dixie Arrow’s captain had cautiously approached the Hatteras area, zigzagging and making sure to go by the lighthouse during the day. The tanker with her crew were only 15 miles away, so close, many would view the destruction.

Submerged, the German submarine U-71 prepared to attack the unarmed ship.

The first torpedo hit the Dixie Arrow amidships, killing most of her officers. The second torpedo cut down the ship’s captain, and the third cracked open the tanker sending oil gushing out.

Fires began all over the ship, as the leaking oil ignited around the tanker.

Only one lifeboat and a raft could be hastily dropped over the side. The living, were abandoning ship as quickly as possible.

Because of the nearness to the shore, rescuers came quickly. The attack was so close to Buxton (the village where most of my kinfolk lived), that the concussion of the torpedoes rattled the house windows. The children of Buxton, who were walking to school that morning, ran down to the beach to see the huge column of smoke.

On the tanker, a group of eight seaman found themselves trapped at the bow (front of the ship). The wind whipped the flames on deck towards them, while below the oil was burning on the water.

Only one man was in a position to save them.

Oscar Chappell was a skinny, blonde, able seaman from Texas. The men saw him standing at the ship’s helm. He was injured, but he stood firm. With the ship on fire, he stayed at the wheel, guiding it into the wind, and out of the flaming oil. When the eight men jumped into the clear water, Chappell was still at the wheel, with flames all around him.

One of the surviving seaman stated: “All of us...owe our lives to Chappell.”

That morning eleven men died including Oscar Chappell who posthumously was awarded the Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal. (Geroux, William. The Matthews Men. New York, New York: Penquin Random House. 2016. p.111-113)

Christ said, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13), signifying His willing offering of Himself for our sin.

Only a few hours after Christ made that statement, He was arrested and later crucified.

Fall 2024 Class Schedule

The Fall 2024 Class Schedule is available. Various Bible or Christian Education courses are being offered this semester, including Christian Counseling, Doctrines, Speech, Old Testament Survey, Practical Evangelism, and many other classes.

For times and tuition costs please view the Fall 2024 Class Schedule. You may get a copy by mail, e-mail, or by going to our website:

Tricked by the Light

Growing up in our home, I often viewed this original picture. This charcoal sketch acquired a spot on our family room wall because of the connection through my Mom’s past.

My Mother grew up as a Banker. No, Jean Crankshaw Dennis Stanley didn’t handle money as a five year old, but she did grow up on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, under the beacon of the Hatteras Lighthouse.

In the early Colonial days, this part of the country was infested with pirates. Blackbeard was killed in his hideout only a few miles south of my grandmother’s house. I always loved the part of the story where his treasure has never been found. Yes, I’ve looked!

Just as there were sea pirates, there were also land pirates. The land pirates would try and lure a ship onto the reef at night. Using an old horse with a lantern hung under its neck, a pirate would walk the ridge at night, trying to mimic the light from another ship. Especially in rough weather, a captain might head toward the light, thinking there was a friendly ship in safe waters.

If the trick played out, the ship would be stuck and stranded on a sand bar, then the land pirates would attack to plunder the goods.

I often viewed this picture, and thought about the light. It should mean safety, but in the hands of a deceiver it brought destruction.

A false light brings people to ruin, but the Gospel shows mankind the Way.

Heritage Baptist Bible Fellowship Fall Meeting

You are invited to attend the fall meeting of the Heritage Baptist Bible Fellowship which will be held in southern Ohio near the Ohio River. Pastor Denny Hankins will host the meeting on October 6-8, 2024 at Franklin Furnace Independent Baptist Church in Franklin Furnace, OH.

Please be in prayer for the meeting and join us for some wonderful preaching and fellowship.

Are You Ready to Take Your Next Step to Answer Your Calling?

Contact an Admissions Counselor TODAY and plan to visit Heritage. You can reach us at 317-738-3791