November 2023 Update

Wonderful Fall Banquet!

Dr. Don Strange, pastor emeritus of Winkler Rd Baptist Church in Ft. Myers, FL, brought the message at this year’s Fall Fundraising Banquet. With his text from Luke 6:38, Dr. Strange challenged and humored us for 20 minutes to be a cheerful giver.

The gymnasium was comfortably filled for this year’s banquet, and included in attendance seventeen preachers from various churches. The delicious food, beautiful music, and great fellowship made for a very special evening. When the offering was taken, the $10,000 winter expense goal was reach.

We are so thankful for all those that took part in the Fall banquet, and especially for our many friends, though not in attendance, that gave early towards the offering.

Please mark your calendar for the next Heritage banquet. The annual Graduation Banquet is scheduled for Tuesday evening, April 30, 2024.

Big Wreck!

On Sunday, December 4, 2011, a sizable group of Japanese car enthusiasts were headed together to a car show in southwest Japan. They were driving some of the most expensive cars available, and they began to flaunt their speed. As they raced down the public four lane highway, the speeds reached 90 mph. Then one driver lost control and caused the wreck of 14 cars: 8 Ferraris, 3 Mercedes, 1 Lamborgini, and 2 Toyotas. Cars were scattered all over the highway.

These were not kids on a joy ride – the drivers ranged from 37- 60 years old.

The good news was that no one was seriously injured. The bad news was that the accident damage exceeded three million dollars.

Since I first read this story over a decade ago, I have been drawn to this Biblical thought. Twice Paul points out: A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. (Gal. 5:9 & I Cor. 5:6).

Solomon put it another way: Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour; so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour. (Ecc. 10:1)

It only takes a little leaven, a little folly, a “little sin”, to cause great harm to a Christian’s testimony, and for the cause of Christ.

Ups and Downs Ahead?

Ninety-four years ago the United States was experiencing the beginnings of the Great Depression. America was in a period of changing real estate values, while during the autumn of 1929 the Stock Market rose to its highest level.

But shortly afterwards on “Black Thursday”, October 24th, began the dramatic Stock Market Crash of 1929. During the next month the Stock Market collapse continued until November 13th by which time the market had lost nearly 48% of its value.

After several brief recoveries (named dead cat bounces) and further crashes in the price of stock, the Stock Market by 1932 eventually lost a devastating 89% of its value. It would be 25 years and a World War later, before the Stock Market would exceed its pre 1929 high levels.

In another part of the world, a second type of monetary tragedy had just spent itself out: Hyperinflation. In Germany, the government printed so much unsecured money, that the German Mark became worthless.

Displayed are two German stamps showing the cost of mailing a simple letter on March 1, 1922 (2 marks) and 20 months later on November 1, 1923 (50 million marks). In hyperinflation one U.S. dollar that had a decade before been worth 4 German Marks, could now command over 5 billion German Marks. While recovering from this financial shamble, a dictator with a popular speech (Hitler) gained control of Germany.

No one knows what will financially or politically happen in America. Depression and Hyperinflation are two specters that seem to loom on the horizon.

Throughout history, God has used many devices to get mankind’s attention and bring His children and the unsaved to Him. However, these events may just be setting the stage for the coming “One World Ruler.” Christ said: lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)

Helpful Chapel Quotes

A ministry that costs nothing amounts to nothing.

The wages of sin is death – that payment is death

The Will of God for my life: Nothing more, Nothing less, Nothing else.

If you don’t live it, you don’t believe it.

Deliverance does not always mean escape. (II Timothy 4:18)

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

You can have a critical eye, but not a critical spirit.

We need to have an unwavering confidence in the ability of God to change lives.