Would You Overlook It?
It is just a small red piece of paper, measuring 1” x 1¼” (actual size of the picture).
Four and a half yearsago, this small piece of paper sold at Sotheby’s Auction for 9.5 million dollars. This small piece of paper is one of the first stamps printed in the world: The 1856 British Guiana One Cent Magenta Stamp.This stamp is the most expensive stamp ever sold, and it came out of the DuPont (Chemical magnate) family estate. At only .0015 oz. this one of a kind stamp is considered the most valuable object by weight and sizeever sold.
Imagine that stamp lying on the floor. Would you even notice it? Some might see it and pick it up for trash. But would you realize the value? Most would not.
Yet, daily we walk by individuals that according to the Bible are worth so much more than money. In terms of eternity, money will have lost its value. But the worth of the soul is eternal.
Share the Gospel and be a wise investor.
Meeting in Florida
On January 21 & 22, New LifeBaptist Church in Leesburg, Florida will host the winter Heritage BaptistBibleFellowship meeting. Pastor Greg Wilmoreand his congregationwill make everyone feel welcome,and a few days outside in the Sunshine State might help you make it through this winter.
The speakers for the Monday night and Tuesday night services will be Dr. Randy Parker(Greenfield, IN), and Pastor Emery King(Webster, FL). On Tuesday morning the preachers will be Pastor Randy Ford(Leesburg, FL), Dr. Gary Beatty(Boca Grande, FL), andPastorAnthony Aiken (Ft. Pierce, FL)
Please make plans to attend.
Prayer and Preaching
We have noticed that a number of our local pastors and friends love to occasionally visit chapel and stay for lunch.
So for second semester,we are scheduling each month a special day and a special speaker -calling it Prayer and Preaching.
We will meet at 11:00 a.m. to share requests and hear a message, followed by food and fellowship. What a wonderful way to be recharged during lunchtime.
PleasemarkFebruary 20, 2019on your calendar. Our preacher will be Dr. Randy Parker.
More Could be Done
At the close of 2018, Fred Fehsenfeld passed away at 94 years of age. His ½ page obituary in the Indianapolis Starcaught my attention.
Fred was a local Indianapolis boy, whom soon after high school joined the Army Air Corps and flew 89 missions over Europe. While flying his P-51D fighter, he shot down four German planes, and he destroyedthree on the ground. As a decorated airman, he had the privilege to lead the last official flight in the European theater, barrel rolling over a POW camp to let his fellow captured US airmen know that the war in Europe had ended.
Arriving back home in Indiana, Fredfinished college, married his college sweetheart, and soon began work in his father’s gas station business.
Fred Fehsenfeld was a patriotic American, and he worked in business to help promote America. His life was filled with striving to solveproblems and make things better. All his work was recognized in 2017 when I-865 in Indianapolis was renamed the Fred Fehsenfeld Highway.
But it was the close of Fred Fehsenfeld’sobituary that caught my attention. Fred never gave up on anything: in business, with his family, or our country’s future...It seems fitting to end with Fred’s own words that he asked to be inscribed on his tombstone: I TRIED.
The Lord only knows what could be accomplished for God in 2019, if we would act on those two words...I Tried!
Classes Resume on January 16, 2019
Second semester classes begin on Wednesday, January 16, 2019. There is still time for those interested in taking classes to sign up for the Spring term. A full listing of both day and evening classes, along with a special student registration form is available on our website, or by contacting the office.
We look forward to a fine schedule of chapel preachers and other special events planned for this year. You are always invited to attend.
The second semester at Heritage Baptist College is filled with special events that are designed to help strengthen the churches:
Semester Begins- Wednesday, January 16
Easter Break- April 17 -21
Graduation Week- April 30 -May 2
Graduation Banquet- Tuesday, April 30, 7:00 p.m.
Combined Church Service- Wednesday, May 1, 7:00 p.m.
Commencement- Thursday, May 2, 7:00 p.m.
Have a Blessed New Year