Commencement Week 2022
Graduation week at Heritage has become a much anticipated occasion full of outstanding events. We are looking forward to a special time of blessing May 3-5 (Tuesday - Thursday).
Everyone is invited to participate in the various activities: Spring Graduation Banquet, Wednesday Night Rally, Alumni Fish Fry, and the Closing Exercises. The date of the banquet this year is Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. on the Hopewell Campus. There will be plenty of room with small group- ings of tables. That evening Dr. Harry Strachan will bring a message that will encourage your heart. Special music will be furnished by Pastor & Mrs. Sam Gabbard.
The closing service will be held on Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Hopewell Campus. Dr. Gary Beatty of Boca Grande, FL will be the speaker that evening. He has ministered at the beautiful First Baptist Church for two decades. All are invited.
The President's Perspective
One hundred years ago in downtown Indy, the Indianapolis Traction Terminal filled a city block.
This huge structure was the largest interurban terminal in the world. At its peak, the facility would handle 500 trains a day, and 7 million passengers would pass through its doors in a year.
The interurban was a motored, electric passenger train car that ran on a separate track. Indiana would grow to 800 miles of interurban tracks, the largest network in the country. Before the interstate highways, folks could travel quickly and safely throughout the state on these trains.
The interurban cars were very fast. The advertisements boasted of 70 mph, and some of the highspeed cars could almost reach 90 mph. In the days of the Model A, those speeds were astounding. Also, these trains would make it through bad and snowy weather. Fast, reliable, and safe were three selling factors of the interurban.
The highspeed cars had an impressive service safety record. The motto for the crew was: Be sure you are right, then go ahead. (Bradley, George. Indiana Railroad. Chicago: CERA. 1991. p. 89)
This saying would by good for any Christian. The contrast is found in James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
We have a Bible to know what is right, and the Christian has the Holy Spirit to lead him into all Truth. With a sincere heart, God will direct us (Proverbs 3:5,6), and we can go forward with confidence to serve the Lord.
Be sure you are right, then go ahead.
Graduation Week
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
May 3rd |
May 4th |
May 5th |
9:30 A.M. |
Jim Lyle Orange City, FL |
Hugh Kelly Portland, IN |
Emory King Webster, FL |
10:30 A.M. |
Bill Rains Cincinnati, OH |
Sam Gentile Canfield, OH |
David Ball Martinsville, IN |
11:30 A.M. |
Tommy Trammel Cincinnati, OH |
Randy Parker Greenfield, IN |
Denny Hankins Franklin Furnace, OH |
7:00 P.M. |
Graduation Banquet on Hopewell Campus Harry Strachan Ashland, OH/td>
| Combined Church Rally at Hopewell Campus Tom Wallace Murfreesboro, TN |
Commencement Service Gary Beatty Boca Grande, FL |
“Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of the gates of hell.” - C.T. Studd Famous cricketer turned missionary
Leaving a Legacy
Dr. and Mrs. David Saulnier both lived a dedicated Christian life.
Dr. Saulnier grew up in Christian service. His father, Harry Saulnier, directed the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, IL for 45 years. When his father retired, Dr. Saulnier took over the helm and guided the Pacific Garden Mission for over a decade.
Saving souls, while helping the needy was the driving passion of Dr. Saulnier and his wife, Lois.
They were introduced to Heritage, and they became good friends of the college. Both realized the importance of training the next generation, and they regularly supported.
Dr. Saulnier went to heaven in 2014, and his dear wife passed away this year.
They had planned in their estate to help in the continued training of students, and we are most thankful.
Legacy gifts not only are an encouragement to a college, they add a dimension in giving that benefits the enter heaven, knowing that your last gift was to help in the training of young preachers who will share the Gospel.
Wednesday Night Rally
For the fifteenth year, Heritage will host a special Wednesday night rally for the churches. All are encouraged to attend. There will be special music also that night.
Date: May 4, 2022
Time: Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
Place: Hopewell Campus