Ninth Year Reviewed
The 2016 Graduation exercises were held at the Hopewell campus with degrees and presentations awarded. Many friends gathered admiring the beautiful new auditorium platform, and all went away praising the Lord for His goodness.
The completion of our ninth year saw many preachers present during Alumni Week, which encouraged the heart of the young people and the teachers. The alumni fish fry, the Wednesday rally, the golf scramble, the Alumni Banquet, and the Commencement service brought many of the friends of Heritage together.
As we reflect on the fifth year at the Hopewell campus, we are so grateful to all those who have partnered with us. Thank you for all the funds that were raised during Graduation Week. The Graduation Offering Goal was met, besides other monies given towards the dormitory project. Your support is richly appreciated for the vital ministry of training the next generation.
The President's Perspective
In his Breda Declaration (April 6, 1660), the future King of England, Charles II, promised that religious toleration would continue. Charles II was not the first, nor the last political figure to break his word.
Within months, Baptists and other dissenters found themselves in trouble with the law for preaching. Many Baptist ministers spent years in jail: Francis Bamfield (8 yrs.), John Miller (10 yrs.), Henry Forty (12 yrs.), and Joseph Wright (20 yrs.). Nearly all Baptists were persecuted.
One 32 year old preacher named John Bunyan, had been saved about 7 years, and only recently called to preach. In 1660 he was thrown into the Bedford jail. He was convicted of preaching and sentenced to just 3 months, if ye would pledge not to preach again. The young preacher would not agree, and ended up spending 12 years in prison. With a wife and family of four, times were hard, but especially when he thought on his blind daughter, Mary. When she would visit, Mary would feel her father’s face to see if he was crying, and then kiss his tears away to comfort him. Little Mary would die while her father languished in prison.
During over a decade in jail, Bunyan began to write, and the idea of an allegory of the Christian life began to form. He was finally released in May 1672 after the Declaration of Indulgence, and he went back to preaching.
All seemed well, until five years later when persecution reared its head up again, and Bunyan was thrown back into prison. Six more months Bunyan was behind bars, but during those months in 1677, the Lord allowed John Bunyan to write his classic Pilgrim’s Progress. Published in 1678, the book became an immediate “best seller.” Bunyan saw his work go through 11 editions - printing 100,000 copies, plus several languages. Pilgrim’s Progress has never gone out of print, and has been translated into over 200 languages.
Out of great suffering, came a witness for the Gospel that reached the world in ongoing generations. God sometimes gives us opportunities that seem like trials, to be a blessing for a much larger audience.
Meet Our Graduate
It is true, a Bible college is sometimes like a shoe store: A Bible college helps save souls (soles), it ships heels, and it sends them out in pairs.
Cody Eaton came to Heritage in the Fall of 2012, not long after accepting Christ as his personal Savoir at age 17. The Lord led Cody away from a career in Criminal Justice into a calling for full time ministry.
Cody jumped right into his studies, taking all the Bible, Christian Education, and language classes to prepare him to become a pastor. Faithfully serving in his local Baptist Church, and maintaining good grades, he continued each semester.
During his sophomore year, Cody met a young lady while representing the college. She came to school and they became friends. In May, Cody completed his B.A. degree in Pastorial Studies.
A few weeks after graduation, on June 4th, he and Alecea Marie were married at Lifeline Baptist Church.
Their desire is to serve the Lord together in whatever ministry to which God should lead them.
What People are Saying About Heritage
As a local church pastor, I am thrilled that HBC is striving to be a school that stands for the doctrines of God’s Word and the heritage of the people called Baptists, along with being relevant to the society in which we live. - Dr. Harry Strachan, Jr. - Calvary Baptist Church - Ashland, OH
We feel that this is one of the best investments in the Lord’s work that we are involved in. They are pouring themselves into some wonderful young people, and will no doubt see fruit for generations to come...This is not a time to “wait and see” but a time to “pray and give.” - Dr. Randy Parker - Bethel Baptist Church - Greenfield, IN
At Heritage you have the opportunity to prepare to serve the Lord Biblically and not mistakenly; knowledgably and not haphazardly; and purposefully not accidentally. - Dr. Jack Weigle - Open Door Baptist Church - Indianapolis, IN
The dedicated officers, staff, faculty, and local pastors offer individual interest in every student…. Opportunities for employment and personal ministry abound. - Dr. Tom Wallace - Evangelist
Here is what I admire about Heritage Baptist College: Ten years later, from the first day I came to college, every teacher I had is still a part of this college, married to the same wife, and pastoring the same church. That is called faithfulness! - Pastor Justin Surface - Blue River Baptist Church - Edinburgh, IN
Our goal is to return a student to his local pastor having a greater love for his Bible, a stronger conviction as to why he is a Baptist, trained and being “on fire” for the Lord. — President Russell Dennis, Jr.
Launching Heritage Baptist Bible Fellowship
For the tenth year, Heritage will host a special Wednesday night rally for the churches. All are encouraged to attend.
Monday - August 15th - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday - August 16th - 9:30 a.m.
This will be a Fellowship of Pastors, Missionaries, Evangelists, and Educators for the purpose of furthering the Gospel through starting local, independent, Baptist churches & through Missions.