The Heritage News

Winter 2021 Edition

Winter Blessings

Any Burning Bush Will Do” was the message that Dr. David Martin recent Heritage Banquet. The focus of the evening was in partnering with the college to train faithful servants for the Lord.

We appreciate all those who attended the banquet and gave towards the winter expenses. A number of friends who couldn’t attend mailed their offerings in early. We are so happy to report that the goal of $10,000 was reached that evening as the offering baskets were passed.

The college still has many needs as we go forward, and we are very thankful to all those that realize the importance of training the next generation for the Lord.

Little by little, God has allowed us to make progress in building a quality school for preachers. We are thankful to each and everyone who prays, loves, and gives to make Heritage Baptist College a success.

The President’s Perspective

Do you have big goals and plans for 2022? Are they beginning to look like too much and too many?

In my office sets a Wapak #8 Flat Iron. The solid metal iron was given to me by my Grandmother Carrie Dennis, and she would use it a hundred years ago out on their farm north of Indianapolis. These irons would be put on a wood stove or heater, and when the flat irons would get hot, the ladies would use them to iron their clothes. These flat irons were employed before the age of the modern electric steam irons.

I keep this heavy instrument as a memory to my grandmother who lived to be 105 years old. But the main reason it is displayed is for the encouragement years ago, that a dear old lady in our church gave us with her country charm.

Grandma Butler had grown up in Kentucky in the late 1800’s. Then in her 80’s, she would sing in our small choir. My Dad was pastor, and he had just announced a project to the church to raise money to replace the organ that had recently died. The new project became the discussion among the choir members. “We have too many irons on the fire already” one member stated.

Later, a man that had witnessed the conversation came to my Dad and related the story. He was so moved by Grandma Butler’s wisdom that he told my Dad, “Preacher, I will purchase the organ for the church.”

We are living in a world that seems upside down from the values and truths of just a few short years ago. Yet, there are many opportunities to share Christ to our needy society.

I encourage you to do all that you can for the Lord. Plan more, pray more, give more, witness more, and let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn hot in you to serve Him with all your heart. Who knows what you can do for Christ in 2022!

How about Tomorrow?

Seventy-one years ago, thousands of United States soldiers were in the fight of their lives. Only a few weeks before, these same soldiers had hoped to be home for Christmas, after their united forces had routed the North Korean Army, driving it out of South Korea and deep into the enemy’s homeland.

What looked like certain victory was changed when China sent her large army into North Korea to crush the Americans. In the mountains around a place called the Chosin Reservoir, the United States Marines and Army consisting of around 30,000 soldiers were surprised by a Chinese fighting force of 150,000. The Communist Chinese planned to overrun the American forces and destroy their army.

A storm front from Siberia blew in, and the snow and cold plummeted the temperatures to as low as –36 ̊ F. The situation soon became desperate, as the huge Communist force encircled and began to attack the scattered American divisions. President Harry Truman let American’s back home know of the serious situation, and Christians began to pray. The world watched.

Attack after attack was launched by the Chinese Communists seeking to obliterate the Americans. The conflict and subsequent withdrawal of American forces is often cited as the greatest battle of the Korean War. In over two weeks of winter weather fighting, the Americans were able to pull their army out in tact, escaping the trap of the Red Army. The U.S. Marines lost less than a thousand men, while inflicting 30,000 killed on the Communists. Many stated that the American escape was a miracle.

On Desperate Ground is a recently published account of this event by Hampton Sides. The author tells of a Time-Life reporter talking to a Hoosier sitting on the side of the road. The soldier’s name was Robert Henry, and he was spooning at a C ration of half-frozen beans. The reporter asked the young soldier: “If you could be granted any wish, what would it be?” Henry thought about the question for a while and then answered... “Give me tomorrow.” (p.324)

We live in a changing world that has drawn many people to that same conclusion. There is so much unknown, and so many that would openly spread fear.

How precious it is for the Christian that can voice the words of the old songwriter, Ira Stanphill: “For I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand.”

Ten Year Heart Anniversary

The prophet Hanani stated these words For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong...

I cannot help but believe that this kindness of our Heavenly Father has been shown in the life of Lilliana.

Our little daughter was born 101⁄2 years ago with the severe diagnosis of Trisomy 18. The condition is so serious, that only 1 out of 100 babies with Trisomy 18 are even born, & most that survive die within the first few weeks. Trisomy 18 children are prone to a variety of health issues, and 90% have severe heart problems.

Such was the case with Lilliana. She was plagued with a large hole in her heart (VSD). It took us four months before we found a heart doctor that said these words: “I will help you.”

Dr. Parihk told us that with the strong prejudice against aggressively treating Trisomy 18 babies he was not sure that their hospital would do the surgery, but he would try. Lilliana’s heart surgery was needed soon.

Four weeks later, true to his word, and with the prayers of Christians from all over, Lilliana received successful VSD closure, becoming the first Trisomy 18 baby in Indiana to receive open heart surgery.

It has been ten years now since that life giving surgery, and we look back at how the Lord showed himself strong through every obstacle. We serve a Great God!

Heritage Baptist Bible Fellowship Winter Meeting

Where: Webster, FL

When: January 2-4, 2022

Location: Faith Baptist Church

Pastor Emory King invites you to travel down to warm Florida for a special time of preaching and fellowship. Come and be blessed with messages from Dr. Steve Ware, Dr. David Halcomb, Dr. Dennis Hankins, & others.

Are You Ready to Take Your Next Step to Answer Your Calling?

Contact an Admissions Counselor TODAY and plan to visit Heritage. You can reach us at 317-738-3791